Amphicruiser gallery

Of course we would like to show you as much as possible of Amphicruiser. In our gallery you will find a mix of videos and pictures made by Amphicruiser owners and people working for Amphicruiser. Would you like to share Amphicruiser footage with us? Let us know.

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Videos Pictures

Drive on land

On the road it is a normal SUV. You can drive comfortably at speeds of up to 135 km/h.

Sail Through Water

In the water it sails like a boat. It is very steady because of the optimized hull shape and weight distribution.

Explore All terrain

On rough terrain it is the most reliable 4 x 4. This is due to the fact it is based on Toyota Land Cruiser technology.
Amphibious car

Made in holland

The Amphicruiser is the concept of a vastly experienced Dutch marine engineering company called De Jong Holland. It is entirely designed and produced by Dutch workmanship. Technology Contact us